February 25, 2020

Rice is for Eating !

Revolutionary Bone-Dri Moisture removal technology




Nomophobia: The fear of losing access to your cell phone. It's real and we spend over 37 billion dollars a year on accessories. Yet, our founder washed his phone and the only solution offered at his local big-box retailer was.... a bowl of rice? How could that be?  All the cases and other stuff takes up whole rows in stores. But nothing existed for moisture damage. Until now! In September 2017, he was awarded a full utility patent for his moisture removal technology. Absorbits was born. We have applications in many areas including phones, electronics, firearms, cannabis, fishing, hunting and a multitude of situations where moisture can ruin your day.  Wet phone when fishing? No problem. Dropped your phone in the toilet? We got you. After a great hunting trip, our bags will make the cleanup of your toys a breeze! And they are reusable, simply dry with a hairdryer. Our reviews on Amazon speak for themselves and we have over 65k followers on Instagram alone We have partnered with the NRA for our ballistics bags. We have many military applications and there is huge interest. For additional information or to get a sample to test, Email info@Absorbits.com Remember, Rice is for eating!

Click Here to learn more !

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